Rich Stowell is a recognized subject matter expert in loss of control in light airplanes, the 2014 National FAA Safety Team Rep of the Year, and the 2006 National Flight Instructor of the Year.
Rich Stowell is a recognized subject matter expert in loss of control in light airplanes, the 2014 National FAA Safety Team Rep of the Year, and the 2006 National Flight Instructor of the Year.
The ecological dynamics model (EDM) highlights how scenario-based training can advance pilots from rote learning to a correlation-level of understanding.
Flight training Featured Life Long Learning Optimal Learning 6 minute read ·Learning to fly has been treated as if it’s different from learning to do other things. But like many sports, flying involves a complex set of physical and mental skills.
Blog Flight training Featured 5 minute read ·Rich Stowell is a recognized subject matter expert in loss of control in light airplanes, the 2014 National FAA Safety Team Rep of the Year, and the 2006 National Flight Instructor of the Year.
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