Rich Stowell is a recognized subject matter expert in loss of control in light airplanes, the 2014 National FAA Safety Team Rep of the Year, and the 2006 National Flight Instructor of the Year.
Rich Stowell is a recognized subject matter expert in loss of control in light airplanes, the 2014 National FAA Safety Team Rep of the Year, and the 2006 National Flight Instructor of the Year.
"Just let go". It sounds simple enough. Especially in the comfort of the classroom. But such dubious advice fails to consider the human factor.
Nine Principles Featured Mindset Mechanics 7 minute read ·Should you invest your flying dollars in ongoing training, more technology, or both? You’ve got to weigh the cost against the potential benefits.
Nine Principles Motion AOA 12 minute read ·How were you taught to perceive the effects of the flight controls? I got my private pilot certificate in 1984. Thinking back, I don’t recall specific instruction on what roll, yaw, and pitch should look like.
Nine Principles Roll, Yaw & Pitch Motion 5 minute read ·Rich Stowell is a recognized subject matter expert in loss of control in light airplanes, the 2014 National FAA Safety Team Rep of the Year, and the 2006 National Flight Instructor of the Year.
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